Friday, December 23, 2011

I'm back!

No, I didn't die, fall of the face of the Earth, it was just simply the end of the semester and blogging (among other things) got put well on the back burner.  Due to my absence, the next few days will be filled with posts, updates, fun tidbits, you know the usual. 

SO much has happened this past month, so grab your seat and lets ride this rollercoaster!

  • Thanksgiving treated me well, it was very refreshing to have a few days to hang out with my mom, go shopping, lounge around, showers were optional, oh and recover from food poisoning.  Ha read more about my epic adventures this past month in an upcoming post! 

  • I attended my Godson/nephew's 1st birthday party!  I can't believe how much he has changed and developed since June.  Going to Hayden's birthday made me realize a few things:
    • Best pre-finals trip ever; might have to become an annual thing...I mean I did get straight A's!
    • Little kids are pools of disease, cute as hell but full of germs....or maybe it was my brother...either way I know those 15 other kids had to be hiding something! ;)
    • Hayden loves me, is hopefully starting to recognize me smiles and laughs at me.  I appreciate his affection
    • Can't wait for him to get even bigger so we can go to the park next door
    • He proved me wrong.  I always believed some tall, dark, handsome man would win my heart. Nope, turns out it was a cutie with bright blonde hair and an infectious laugh.
    • Grandchildren really do bring families together...
  •   Few of my best friends are CSU graduates, got rocked by exams, give great boosts to your confidence, and will be there no matter what
  • I discovered the true love of Pinterest
  • Had another epic adventure with food, allergies, sickness
  • Saw a new chiropractor and skipped the gym more times than I went (epic fail)
  • Started my application for the full masters of public health program- SO STRESSFUL! AH
  • Drove home to Iowa
Like I said, a lot happened this past 4-5 weeks and I am so excited to expand on some of the bigger moments!

So off Asian Food

Here's the story as told by me:  I love Asian food, Asian infusion type cafes, Hibachi style restaurants, I like them all.  I mean what's not to like, rice, noodles, veggie, meat combo with a variety of sauces, seasonings, and hello SUSHI!

So why am I not loving Asian food?  First of all, I got food poisoning from eating an Asian rice bowl at a popular restaurant chain in the Colorado... 4 days before Thanksgiving.  It was beyond an awful experience; this was my first and hopefully but highly unlikely only encounter with food poisoning.  Let's just say I was sicker than I've ever been, but hey on the bright side I was really only one stomach flu away from reaching my goal pre-Holiday weight!  haha KIDDING!!

After this "life experience", I decided that I was going to take sometime off from Asian food or rice and peanut sauce rather.  After nearly a month, I thought you know what: I want some rice, I want some sushi, I want potstickers, bring it on.  Perfect timing, I was headed up to Fort Collins to visit my FOCO family and Sushi was on the dinner menu.

December 16, 2011  I had a fabulous time chatting with my FOCO family, eating like a fat kid, enjoying every single minute of my time until....I broke out in full body HIVES attack looking like a bad case of leprosy!  Seriously, I have the worst luck sometimes haha!  I kid you not, I got to my friends house after dinner super itchy.  I didn't think much about it until the next day when my skin was on fire.  I wasn't completely sure that I had hives or maybe I didn't want to believe it, however I am sure thankful my bestie's wonderful mother made me go to Walgreens with her.  She was right, I was having an allergic reaction to what I had eaten the night before and breakfast.

So what'd I eat: basically soy and dairy; which I knew I was somewhat intolerant of but wondered if I was actually allergic to.  My next item on my agenda; go to an allergist and have them narrow down my allergies because this trial and error stuff is for the birds. 

All I am saying is this: I am legitimately scared of Asian food right now!  Seriously, haha I'm scared of food and it is making me check every single ingredient label!  Food poisoning, followed by a 13 day dose of steroids to combat my leprosy hives ...which I will have you know I've had them for 7 days and counting; smh! 

I know I'll go back to Asian food but for right now- we are on a break!