In 4 years you gain knowledge that is suppose to either prepare you for the job market or further schooling. Now this is great, and I definitely learned my fair share of useful and useless information but I think I learned more than that.
I learned....that crying doesn't mean you're weak & sharing honest feelings with someone isn't a bad thing. Gotta let the Great Wall of China fall down stone by stone
...Friends do come and go; the ones that stay become your family!
...Professors do make a difference- shout out to my faves (you know who you are) & thanks for the guidance and advice.
...You don't have to date someone in order for them to break your heart
...When you think your failing a class, there's a curve and it saves your life...literally saves your life
...You discover that you don't have a clue about the world, life, and who you are
...3 words: Quarter. Life. Crisis.
...Stop living your life for other people & put yourself on top priority
...Boys are stuck in the 4th grade
...Looks do matter
...Serenity does come with having guy friends - kinda like my older brothers
...You'll find lifers (lifetime friends, 2am friends) in the least likely of places
...Deception- oh yeah you learn to master that quickly or get eaten alive
...You eat breakfast, lunch, dinner, and supper (at 10-11pm just for good measure) or at 2 am either way you eat 4 meals
...Sometimes you just need a drink with a friend
...Networking is key! current roomie & kick ass friend used to be my TA

...Dressing up; haha your kidding right!!
...Witness an array of your friends life events- marriage, kids, acceptance into grad school, death in the family, and cross country moves
...When people SHOW you who they are- LISTEN.
...Family dinner nights = nights you actually make a complete meal
...Your grade doesn't necessarily reflect what you learned
....Fear and hurt- drive you to try new things...might end up loving it!
...Timing in life really is important
...Traveling the world does affect your future decisions
...Discover you're a lot stronger than you once thought
...When you accept yourself for who you are--feels pretty damn good
Thought I'd actually comment on the blog itself :) LOVED all your thoughts :) Hope you see you soon pretty lady! :)